
Monday, December 26, 2016

पुन: आग्रह : मंतव्य पत्रिका, दलित साहित्य पे केन्द्रित

पुन: आग्रह
मंतव्य पत्रिका, दलित साहित्य पे केन्द्रित
लेख, कहानी ,उपन्यास अंश , आत्मकथांश ,कविता ,अनुभव ,संस्मरण , समीक्षा , यात्रा वृत्तांत मुलाकाते , प्रेम अभिव्यक्ति , व्यंग्य , लघुकथा और सपनों का सुखान्त-दुखांत विमर्श इत्यादि सिर्फ हिंदी ही नहीं अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं का भी दलित साहित्य शामिल हो संवाद करेगा
अतिथि संपादक - सूरज बडत्या ( suraj badtiya )
दिनांक - 3 जनवरी तक , पर भेजे
अधिक जानकारी - 09891438166

Friday, December 9, 2016

Sangharsh New Issue Published

(Peer-Reviewed & Refereed International e-Journal)
Vol 05 Issue 01, Jan. to March, 2016
Issn : 2278-3067
Impact Factor : 0.793
Mo. 09408110030

Dr. Parmod Kumar

Associate Editors

Dr. Haresh Parmar
Dr. Shivdatta Wavalkar
Dr. Rekha Kurre
Dr. Pravin Kumar

Niroj Kumar Sethi

Please Read Online :

Sangharsh/Struggle - E-Journal of DALIT Literary Studies, Vol 5 Issue 01

Send Your Article 
Mo. 09408110030

Thanks to All Supporter 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Invitation for National Seminar on 'Marginalized Literature'

Dear all
I am pleased to inform you that the Department of English,  Dadapatil  Rajale Arts and Science College, Adinathnagar, Tal.Pathardi, Dist.Ahmednagar (MS) is organizing Two Day National Seminar on ‘ Marginalized Literature’ on 27th and 28th  January 2017. Eminent speakers are going to address the conference. You are requested to send your abstract of research paper on any of the topics related to the theme on the email address-   by 15th December 2016. Full papers should be sent on or before 10th January 2017.


Marginalization is a process of out casting a group or individual on the basis of region, religion, caste, gender, colour and so on. Marginalization inhibits a person, group or a community to enjoy rights, privileges, opportunities, as well as resources. Marginalization is also called as social exclusion. Marginalized groups are viewed with hostility and fear. Marginality has affected the lives of millions of people worldwide depriving them of their individual and social rights. Those who are marginalized suffer from a crisis of identity and it leads to the social and psychological exclusion. 
            The term ‘marginalized’ may be used synonymously with the term ‘Oppressed’ used by Paulo Freire, ‘ Proletariat’ used by Karl Marx and ‘ Subaltern’ used by Gramsci. The term is equal to so many other terms such as ‘disadvantaged’ subjugated, socially excluded, and downtrodden as used in the literature.
            These Marginalized voices found literature as the best tool for expression of their inner feelings. Literature of the Marginalized has emerged as major area in which studies are pursued worldwide and intellectual discussions are organized. The literature of the marginalized has come to the vanguard with its all dimensions.
            The two days National Seminar organized by us on the topic will give new insight and serve a useful discussions and conclusions about the theme. It will also highlight the need for such study and serve as a good platform for the researchers and students working in this particular area      

Sub-themes of the conference-
1.      Theme of Marginalization in Indian English Literature
2.      Women writers in the Margin
3.      African American Literature
4.      Subaltern Literature
5.      Voices of Minorities and marginalized in Indian and other literatures
6.      Dalit and African American literature: A Comparative Study
7.      New trends in Marginalized Literature
8.      Teaching Marginalized literature in the classroom
9.      Subaltern consciousness in African, Dalit and Minority literatures
10.  Marginalization in  films

These are only suggestive themes. You may choose any topic of your interest in accordance to the theme of the Seminar.  
Guidelines for Participants
1.      Abstract of the paper should be submitted prior to 15th Dec.2016 and full paper prior to 10th January 2017
2.      Please send your papers in MS Word format with ‘Times New Roman’ 12 font.
3.      Registration  fees for  teachers will be Rs 500 and Rs. 200 for students/research students
4.      The accommodation facility will be provided to the outstation participants on their prior request.
5.      Please send all necessary details such as name, address. Email id, Contact No. etc. along with your abstracts and papers.
6.      For all the details visit College website-   
7.      For any query Please contact the following persons

Dr. Mahibub Tamboli- Mo. 9421558728
Dr. Kishor Gaikwad- Mo.9850387711

Mr. Amol Agashe-  9604574505

Friday, October 21, 2016

Call For Paper : Research and Literature

Please see

Plz Contact 
With Regards
M.A.(History, Political Science, Sociology), 
M.Phil. (History), B.Ed., Ph.D. Doctoral Scholar in Women Studies

Assistant Professor in History
Kanya Mahavidyalaya (Government of Assam)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India)
Geetanagar, Guwahati-21, Assam, INDIA
Mobile: +91-70357 93280

Call For Paper : Research and Literature

Please see
Plz Contact 
With Regards
M.A.(History, Political Science, Sociology), 
M.Phil. (History), B.Ed., Ph.D. Doctoral Scholar in Women Studies

Assistant Professor in History
Kanya Mahavidyalaya (Government of Assam)
(Affiliated to Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India)
Geetanagar, Guwahati-21, Assam, INDIA
Mobile: +91-70357 93280

Thursday, October 13, 2016

UGC Sponsored* *National Seminar* ORGANIZED By *Swami Vivekanand Sarvodaya Bank Education College, Mehsana*

*UGC Sponsored*
        *National Seminar*
              ORGANIZED By
*Swami Vivekanand Sarvodaya Bank Education College, Mehsana*
             1st January 2017
        *Theme of seminar*
        Soft Skills in Teacher  
Registration Fees : ₹. 300
Bank                       : AXIS
Name   : principal, SVSB edu college
*Account No - 130010100246149*
*Note* - Pls send photo Fees chalan via WhatsApp or Email for registration confirmation
Email Id for communication and paper  **
WhatsApp - any no given in Boucher (Coordinators)
*More Information visit :*
Last Date -
5th December 2016
*No Spot Registration will be allowed*
No need to send print / Hardcopy of registration (online registration)

# Save Environment

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Dear Dhamma Friends,

Pujā ca pūjanīyānaṁ etaṁ mangalamuttamaṁ
To pay honor to the honorable one is a great blessing
We the president and members of Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru, invite you with family and friends to share merits and participate in the programs marking the third death anniversary of  our beloved and respected teacher
Most Ven.Dr.Acharya Buddharakkhita
The Founder-president of Maha Bodhi Society Bengaluru and its sister Organizations,
From 23rd to 25th September 2016
23rd September 2016 Friday
Venue: Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru
9:00 AM
Achariya Vandana Paying homage to Bada Bhanteji at his kuti and statue
Bodhi puja cetiya vandana and siripada vandana
Puja at Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Undertaking of Ti-sarana pancasila
‘Remembering Bada Bhante’ by
Venerable Kassapa Mahathera, President, Maha Bodhi Society
Meditation and Dhamma discourse by
Venerable Vinayarakkhita Bhanteji, Lokaratna Buddha Vihara, Spoorthidhama, Bengaluru
Venerable Khemachara Bhante, Siddhartha Buddha Vihara, Hyderabad
Blessings and Presided by
Venerable Panyananda Bhanteji, Myanmar
11:15 AM - Sanghadana for Monks 
12:30 PM - Lunch for Upasakas and Upasikas
Afternoon programs
2 PM – Heritage of Enlightenment – Film on Bada Bhanteji
3 PM - Monks and devotees gather at SMARANĀÑJALI Museum to offer respect to Bada Bhanteji
4 PM – Painting Exhibition, distribution of prizes and Civara Dana to Monks at Mahabodhi Community Hall
4 PM - Hospital Dana Service at Victoria Hospital lead by Venerable Dhammadatta, Ven.Ratthapala and other monks
6:00 -7:30 PM
Special Evening puja under the Sacred Bodhi Tree
Deepa puja offering 1008 candles in the name of Bada Bhante

24th September 2016  Saturday
Venue: Mahabodhi Dhammaduta Buddha Vihara, Narasipura Village, Bengaluru North
9:00 AM
Paying Homage at the spot of Bada Bhanteji’s cremation
Puja and Meditation at
Bodhi Rasmi Pagoda, Bodhi Prakara And Dhammavaḍḍhani Sima
11:00 AM - Sanghadana – Lunch for monks
12:30 PM - Lunch for Devotees
2:00 – 4:00 PM  - Mediation session
4 PM - Tea Break
5 PM - Departure from Dhammaduta Vihara
Special Evening Deepa puja 6 PM
Offering 1008 candles in the name of Bada Bhante
Buses are arranged from Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru
(Please confirm your participation to organize buses -  Mr.Vajira 09731635108)

Bada Bhanteji Most Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita came to Bengaluru in 1956 and established the Maha Bodhi Society. He started the Sangharama, library, weekly discourses, monthly magazines, hospitals, schools, hostels, dana service programs, humanitarian activities, meditation retreats and published numerous books. In the modern era he is a great Dhammaduta – Ambassador of Dhamma in India, who has left behind a rich heritage of Buddha Dhamma. Today there are ten branches of Mahabodhi in India and five abroad. Hundreds of monks, nuns, boys and girls are getting free education and thousands of people are getting Dhamma through discourses and retreats conducted by the Mahabodhi centers.
Bada Bhanteji passed away on 23-09-2013 at Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru. His death anniversary is observed as SMARANANJALI day and several Dhamma activities are conducted on this occasion. Bodhi Rasmi Pagoda is built in his memory as a meditation center and regular meditation courses are going on. May all the merits of noble actions come to Bada Bhanteji and may he attain to the highest peace of Nibbana! Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!

 25th  September 2016 Sunday
Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru
10:00 AM – Sanghadana – lunch  for Monks
10:30 AM - Gathering at Bada Bhante’s Statue, Achariya Vandana, Bodhi puja And Stupa puja
11:00 AM
Buddha puja at Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Administering Ti-sarana and Pancasila
Meditation and Dhammadesana by
Most Ven Kassapa Bhanteji
 ‘Life of a Compassionate Monk’
talk by  Venerable Ananda Bhanteji, General Secretary, Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru
Messages by venerable monks
Venerable Sayadaw Panyananda Bhanteji
Venerable Vinayarakkhita Bhanteji
Venerable Khemachara Bhanteji
Venerable Pamokkho Bhanteji
Venerable Buddhadatta Bhanteji
Venerable Sayalay Yasanandi
Venerable Sayalay Uttamanyani
Sharing of experiences with Bada Bhanteji by Upasakas and Upasikas
The following venerable monks will also grace the occasion
Venerable Sayadaw Janindo Bhanteji
Venerable Sayadaw Ariyavamsa Bhanteji
Venerable Vijaya Bhanteji
Venerable Sobhitadhamma and group of monks from Myanmar
1:30 PM          Lunch for devotees
6:00 PM          Puja and conclusion with deepa puja
Please participate and donate for the arrangements of all these programs and share merits.
Maha Bodhi Society
Account No. SB 353102010000137, IFSC Code: UBIN 0535311, MICR Code: 560026005
Union Bank of India, Gandhinagar, Bangalore – 560009, India
Maha Bodhi Society, 14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru – 560009

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

लेखक की भूमिका एवं सामाजिक न्याय का सवाल

यथास्थिति से विद्रोह : दलित साहित्य

इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ दलित स्ट्डीज
सेंटर फॉर दलित लिटरेचर एंड आर्ट
के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में आयोजित 

एक दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी में आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं ।

विषय - यथास्थिति से विद्रोह : दलित साहित्य

मुख्य अतिथि
प्रो. सुखदेव थोरात
(अध्यक्ष, भारतीय सामाजिक विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद)

वक्तागण :

प्रो. चौथीराम यादव,  डॉ. जयप्रकाश कर्दम,  प्रो. बद्री नारायण,  डॉ. राम चंद्र  
प्रो. विमल थोरात,  प्रो. संघमित्र शील आचार्य, मा. रजनी तिलक  प्रो. हेमलता महिश्वर,  मा. अनिता भारती 
मा. मैत्रेयी पुष्पा,  डॉ. रजत रानी ’मीनू’,  प्रो. अजमेर सिंह काजल,  डॉ. रजनी अनुरागी  
मा. हरिराम मीणा,  मा. हरपाल सिंह ’अरुष’,  डॉ. बजरंग बिहारी तिवारी, डॉ. सूरज बड़त्या  

दिनांक : 17 सितंबर , 2016 (शनिवार)
समय : सुबह 9:30 बजे से शाम 6:00 बजे

स्थान - कमेटी हॉल, कन्वेंशन सेन्टर, जवाहरलाल नेहरु विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली 

सादर धन्यवाद ।