
Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Dear Dhamma Friends,

Pujā ca pūjanīyānaṁ etaṁ mangalamuttamaṁ
To pay honor to the honorable one is a great blessing
We the president and members of Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru, invite you with family and friends to share merits and participate in the programs marking the third death anniversary of  our beloved and respected teacher
Most Ven.Dr.Acharya Buddharakkhita
The Founder-president of Maha Bodhi Society Bengaluru and its sister Organizations,
From 23rd to 25th September 2016
23rd September 2016 Friday
Venue: Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru
9:00 AM
Achariya Vandana Paying homage to Bada Bhanteji at his kuti and statue
Bodhi puja cetiya vandana and siripada vandana
Puja at Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Undertaking of Ti-sarana pancasila
‘Remembering Bada Bhante’ by
Venerable Kassapa Mahathera, President, Maha Bodhi Society
Meditation and Dhamma discourse by
Venerable Vinayarakkhita Bhanteji, Lokaratna Buddha Vihara, Spoorthidhama, Bengaluru
Venerable Khemachara Bhante, Siddhartha Buddha Vihara, Hyderabad
Blessings and Presided by
Venerable Panyananda Bhanteji, Myanmar
11:15 AM - Sanghadana for Monks 
12:30 PM - Lunch for Upasakas and Upasikas
Afternoon programs
2 PM – Heritage of Enlightenment – Film on Bada Bhanteji
3 PM - Monks and devotees gather at SMARANĀÑJALI Museum to offer respect to Bada Bhanteji
4 PM – Painting Exhibition, distribution of prizes and Civara Dana to Monks at Mahabodhi Community Hall
4 PM - Hospital Dana Service at Victoria Hospital lead by Venerable Dhammadatta, Ven.Ratthapala and other monks
6:00 -7:30 PM
Special Evening puja under the Sacred Bodhi Tree
Deepa puja offering 1008 candles in the name of Bada Bhante

24th September 2016  Saturday
Venue: Mahabodhi Dhammaduta Buddha Vihara, Narasipura Village, Bengaluru North
9:00 AM
Paying Homage at the spot of Bada Bhanteji’s cremation
Puja and Meditation at
Bodhi Rasmi Pagoda, Bodhi Prakara And Dhammavaḍḍhani Sima
11:00 AM - Sanghadana – Lunch for monks
12:30 PM - Lunch for Devotees
2:00 – 4:00 PM  - Mediation session
4 PM - Tea Break
5 PM - Departure from Dhammaduta Vihara
Special Evening Deepa puja 6 PM
Offering 1008 candles in the name of Bada Bhante
Buses are arranged from Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru
(Please confirm your participation to organize buses -  Mr.Vajira 09731635108)

Bada Bhanteji Most Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita came to Bengaluru in 1956 and established the Maha Bodhi Society. He started the Sangharama, library, weekly discourses, monthly magazines, hospitals, schools, hostels, dana service programs, humanitarian activities, meditation retreats and published numerous books. In the modern era he is a great Dhammaduta – Ambassador of Dhamma in India, who has left behind a rich heritage of Buddha Dhamma. Today there are ten branches of Mahabodhi in India and five abroad. Hundreds of monks, nuns, boys and girls are getting free education and thousands of people are getting Dhamma through discourses and retreats conducted by the Mahabodhi centers.
Bada Bhanteji passed away on 23-09-2013 at Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru. His death anniversary is observed as SMARANANJALI day and several Dhamma activities are conducted on this occasion. Bodhi Rasmi Pagoda is built in his memory as a meditation center and regular meditation courses are going on. May all the merits of noble actions come to Bada Bhanteji and may he attain to the highest peace of Nibbana! Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!

 25th  September 2016 Sunday
Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru
10:00 AM – Sanghadana – lunch  for Monks
10:30 AM - Gathering at Bada Bhante’s Statue, Achariya Vandana, Bodhi puja And Stupa puja
11:00 AM
Buddha puja at Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Administering Ti-sarana and Pancasila
Meditation and Dhammadesana by
Most Ven Kassapa Bhanteji
 ‘Life of a Compassionate Monk’
talk by  Venerable Ananda Bhanteji, General Secretary, Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru
Messages by venerable monks
Venerable Sayadaw Panyananda Bhanteji
Venerable Vinayarakkhita Bhanteji
Venerable Khemachara Bhanteji
Venerable Pamokkho Bhanteji
Venerable Buddhadatta Bhanteji
Venerable Sayalay Yasanandi
Venerable Sayalay Uttamanyani
Sharing of experiences with Bada Bhanteji by Upasakas and Upasikas
The following venerable monks will also grace the occasion
Venerable Sayadaw Janindo Bhanteji
Venerable Sayadaw Ariyavamsa Bhanteji
Venerable Vijaya Bhanteji
Venerable Sobhitadhamma and group of monks from Myanmar
1:30 PM          Lunch for devotees
6:00 PM          Puja and conclusion with deepa puja
Please participate and donate for the arrangements of all these programs and share merits.
Maha Bodhi Society
Account No. SB 353102010000137, IFSC Code: UBIN 0535311, MICR Code: 560026005
Union Bank of India, Gandhinagar, Bangalore – 560009, India
Maha Bodhi Society, 14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru – 560009

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

लेखक की भूमिका एवं सामाजिक न्याय का सवाल

यथास्थिति से विद्रोह : दलित साहित्य

इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ दलित स्ट्डीज
सेंटर फॉर दलित लिटरेचर एंड आर्ट
के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में आयोजित 

एक दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी में आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं ।

विषय - यथास्थिति से विद्रोह : दलित साहित्य

मुख्य अतिथि
प्रो. सुखदेव थोरात
(अध्यक्ष, भारतीय सामाजिक विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद)

वक्तागण :

प्रो. चौथीराम यादव,  डॉ. जयप्रकाश कर्दम,  प्रो. बद्री नारायण,  डॉ. राम चंद्र  
प्रो. विमल थोरात,  प्रो. संघमित्र शील आचार्य, मा. रजनी तिलक  प्रो. हेमलता महिश्वर,  मा. अनिता भारती 
मा. मैत्रेयी पुष्पा,  डॉ. रजत रानी ’मीनू’,  प्रो. अजमेर सिंह काजल,  डॉ. रजनी अनुरागी  
मा. हरिराम मीणा,  मा. हरपाल सिंह ’अरुष’,  डॉ. बजरंग बिहारी तिवारी, डॉ. सूरज बड़त्या  

दिनांक : 17 सितंबर , 2016 (शनिवार)
समय : सुबह 9:30 बजे से शाम 6:00 बजे

स्थान - कमेटी हॉल, कन्वेंशन सेन्टर, जवाहरलाल नेहरु विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली 

सादर धन्यवाद ।

Press Release “Breach of Constitution and War of Attrition with Tribal” Tribal Coordination Front (TFC), India आदिवासी समन्वय मंच, भारत

Press Release
“Breach of Constitution and War of Attrition with Tribal”
Tribal Coordination Front (TFC), India
आदिवासी समन्वय मंच, भारत
12th Sep 2016, Press Club of India, New Delhi, Tribal Coordination Front (TFC), India called a press conference in association with Delhi Solidarity Group (DSG) on the eve of 10th Anniversary of UN declaration on the rights of indigenous people. On behalf of Scheduled Tribes from 24 States Mr. Amar Singh  Chaudhari from Gujrat, George Tirkey from Odisha, Gajanan Brahmane from Madhya Pradesh, Ms Tarika Lakda from Chhattisgarh, Mr. Kaluram Dhodhade from Maharashtra and Niel Tirkey from Jharkhand addressed media.

Mr. George Tirkey, MLA from Odisha declared positioning of Scheduled Tribes (ST) in the foundation of Indian democracy. He stated that ST trusted on the agreement enforced in the form of law during British period. This trust and belief continued with larger hope and to protect and preserve their interest in Indian democracy and constitutional provisions were made. Fifth Schedule, Sixth Schedule, PESA Act, FRA, LARR, Prevention of Atrocities (SC/ST) Act, Reservation Policy, Budget Provisions and many other provisions were made. All these beautiful provisions became redundant and followings are the evidences:
1.    Danu Manjhi was denied hearse and he had to carry dead body of his wife on his solders for about 1o Kilometers.
2.    In Kandhamal massacre and fratricide was result of perpetrated conflicts.
3.    Perpetrating  fake political solution in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and other Tribal States has resulted in loss life of millions of ST – some killed and some migrated due to several reasons perpetrated on them - Police firing, fake charges, massacre, gang rape, humiliation, abhorrence are few examples.
4.    In Jammu Kashmir constitutional provisions like Article 370 and Acts like AFSPA (in North East) are hindrance to the Tribal.
5.    Budget allocated under “Tribal Sub Plan (TSP)” is largely utilized for the benefit of other than the ST. Not only the ST but Comptroller and Auditor General of India has also observed it.
6.    Illegal acquisition of tribal land and forest resources to benefit Indian and Foreign companies like POSCO, Vedanta, Larsen Toubro, TATA, Adani, etc.
7.    Overall cost of living is made non bearable to ST population
8.    Laws are made to contradict each other in order to make then null and void. State and Union of India exercise their constitutional power to make these laws. This state of affairs results in non-implementation of PESA Act, FRA, LARR, PoA Act, etc.

He further stated that ST population has to take afresh position to protect and preserve their interest in the Indian Democracy. It is well known fact that tribal way of living is of highest integrity in the preservation of ecology and nature. 

Mr. Neil Tirkey said that all most all political parties have just coined different words to create new hopes one after another. Tribes Advisory Council (TAC), Scheduled Area (SA), Tribal Village, etc. with notions carrying “backwardness” of ST as a whole. Consequently, all dignitaries in these statute are identified, nominated, authorized and certified by the one who is non-Tribal. Everything is done to recognize the men/women of valid integrity, understanding, efficiency and merit so that he can work for the wellbeing of ST. However, the results are dissatisfactory. Therefore there is need to relook the mechanism designed for the wellbeing of ST.

Mr. Gajanan Brahmane said that Census Report of 2011 recognize ST population 8.6%. This calculation does not recognize the migrated population living in Delhi and other States. It may be noted that majority of the ST have migrated to urban area due to atrocities, industrial projects, mining projects and loss of livelihoods. They have excluded from ST purposefully by the enumerators of government headed by different political parties. The census is tainted and manipulated further. The National Commission for Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes calculated gave statistics of Tribal placed in different groups - De-notified Tribes (DNT) covered under SC/ST is 1.36 Cr, Nomadic Tribes Covered under SC/ST is 4.50 Cr and Nomadic Tribes covered under OBC is 4.89 Cr according to census 2001.

He further said that tainting census is done willfully. This attempt reduces the claim in Union / State Budget, Representation in public services, representation in legislature, and numerous other programs related to them.

Ms. Tarika Lakra from Chhattisgarh said about ST women status in the eyes of outside world. Emerging and up righting ST women are quite often trapped into hands of the law keeper and so called civilized people in the name of marriage, domestic worker, women trafficking, etc. In the name of marriage the basic objective of the perpetrators are to grab land and isolate the intelligent ladies of the community. Tribal culture is known for equality between men and women. But outside world treat them as backward and in the name civilization they are trapped and destroyed – this is the loss of human capital in tribal community.

Mr. Kaluram Dhodhade said that ST population has observed that in the last 69 years of the independent of the country, the States have grossly violated the “Fifth Schedule” of the constitution. The States enact arbitrary laws and legislations to suppress the good laws meant for SAs and STs. The States are insensitive and apathy to SAs and STs. As a result ST of the Fifth Schedule States are denied of constitutional rights and despised of all essential goods and services required for survivals. They are displaced and dispossessed from their ancestral land and territories. Their properties are robbed and often innocents are killed in fake encounters. Often we are termed as criminals, anti-socials, anti-nationals, accused falsely and put in the jails. They are harassed, extorted and treated inhuman way often by the people paid by government and perpetrators.

Mr. Amar Singh Chaudhary, Ex MP from Gujrat. Out of his observation and experience he summarized that the present system of governance in the scheduled area, tribal area and scheduled tribes have not solved the problems of ST they face since colonial time instead their problem have become more serious and non-bearable. Reciprocity laws are breached and ST are treaded worse than the colonial government. Therefore, government should award “Self Determination” so that ST are enable to represent their interest as per their choice. In Indian context “Self Determination” is to be regarded as “Separate Electorate” as it is the in with indigenous people in many countries (

For further details please contact:

Shri George Tirkey – MLA, Mob: 9777941907;                
Amar Singh Chaudhary – Ex MP, Mob: 9825151020
Umesh Babu (DSG), Mob: 9990683769

Umesh Babu
New Delhi, India
Mobile: +91 9990 6837 69

Monday, September 5, 2016

Sangharsh New Issue Index

(Peer-Reviewed & Refereed International e-Journal)
Vol 05 Issue 01, Jan. to March, 2016
Issn : 2278-3067
Impact Factor : 0.793
Mo. 09408110030


Dr. Parmod Kumar

Table of Contents

For A New Rendezvous with Dr Ambedkar
Subhash Gatade
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Strategies against Untouchability and the Caste System
Nandlal Naran Chhanga
On Translating Joseph Macwan’s Vyathana Vitak
Vipul Solanki
A Study of Emotional Maturity & Meantal Health among Joint and Divided Familys Childrens
Dr. Hardas B. Nandaniya
Commemoration of life and Work of Prof. Sharmila Rege
Jayashree Ambewadikar
Constructing New Idioms: Dalit & Shudra Cultural Narratives in Bihar
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Vishal
Role of Afghan women in Peace and Nation- building in Afghanistan
Effect of Mental Health on Psychological Well Being of Students
Dr. Dholakia Ketan C.
Book Review: Suraj Badtiya’s Comrade Ka Baksa
Ms Khushboo Gokani

डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर और राष्ट्रवाद की विचारधारा
डॉ. एम. एन. वाघेला
मानवतावादी विश्वविभूतिः डॅा. बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर
डॅा. धीरजभाई वणकर
डॉ. बाबासाहब आंबेडकर और दलित साहित्य
प्रा. वाढेल पुष्पा एम.
समसायिक परिदृश्य घुमंतू बंजारा समुदाय : सवाल और चुनोतियाँ
डॉ. सूरज बडत्या
लोकगीतों में राजस्थान के आदिवासियों की सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक  परम्परा
डा. पप्पूराम मीना
डॉ. बी.आर. आंबेडकर तथा उनकी विदेश नीति
विकास कुमार
महिला सशक्तिकरण में फूले दंपति का योगदान
रजनीश कुमार अम्बेडकर
दलित उपन्यासों में स्त्री जीवन की स्थिति
आरती सोनकर
भारतीय समाज मे दलित साहित्य और चेतना का महत्व
प्रा. गिरीश पी. वाघेला
समकालीन महिला आत्मकथाएँ
डॉ. झाकेरा सिद्दीकी
‘दलित दृष्टि’ गेल ऑम्वेट और ‘आधुनिकता के आईने में दलित’ अभय कुमार दुबे (पुस्तक समीक्षा)
Surendra Singh
दलित मिथक और वर्चस्व की वैचारिकी
अनराग कुमार पाण्डेय
नवीन मिथकों की रचना में लोक-कथाओं की भागीदारी
सुमन कुमार
भारतीय डायस्पोरा में जातिवाद
संतोष कुमार बंजारे

ડૉ. બાબાસાહેબ આંબેડકરનો શિક્ષણવિચાર
નરેન્દ્ર એન અદેપાલ
આંબેડકરવાદી સાહિત્યકૃતિઓમાં પ્રગટ થતી આંતરવ્યથા : એક અભ્યાસ
Dr. Hetal K. Gandhi
ડૉ. બાબાસાહેબ આંબેડકર : એક અનોખા પથદર્શક
સામંત સોલંકી
દલિતોના મસીહા ડૉ. બાબાસાહેબ આંબેડકર અને હિન્દુ ધર્મના કૂટ પ્રશ્નો
પ્રા. પી. જી. ભેડા
ડૉ. આંબેડકર અને પત્રકારત્વ
બાગુલ સુરેશભાઈ જી.
ડૉ. બાબાસાહેબ આંબેડકર : સવાલદાર, જવાબદાર અને રુઆબદાર વ્યક્તિત્વ
ડૉ. રમેશ સાગઠિયા
દલિત સાહિત્ય અને ચેતના
ડૉ. દિલીપકુમાર ચાવડા
‘ન્યાય’- દલિતોનો કે સવર્ણોનો ?
ધોરિયા દિલીપકુમાર રામજીભાઈ
ગુજરાતી દલિત સાહિત્યમાં સ્ત્રી લેખિકાનું પ્રદાન
કાપડિયા સુનિતાબેન ભરતભાઇ

डॉ. ब्रह्मा नंद
Trends and structure of census method in India
Raghavendra Yadav
Gandhi’s Harijan and a Tale of two Marginalities
Gautam Choubey
Emergence of Modern Maithili Public Sphere: Battle of languages and Scripts
Lalit Kumar
‘जूठन’ आत्मकथा का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन
अनीता देवी
महिलाओं के प्रति बढ़ते अपराध का सामाजवैज्ञानिक मूल्यांकन
सुभाष कुमार