Dear all
am pleased to inform you that the Department of English, Dadapatil Rajale Arts and Science College, Adinathnagar,
Tal.Pathardi, Dist.Ahmednagar (MS) is organizing Two Day National Seminar on ‘ Marginalized Literature’ on 27th
and 28th January 2017.
Eminent speakers are going to address the conference. You are requested to send
your abstract of research paper on any of the topics related to the theme on
the email address-
by 15th December 2016. Full papers
should be sent on or before 10th January 2017.
Marginalization is a process of out casting
a group or individual on the basis of region, religion, caste, gender, colour
and so on. Marginalization inhibits a person, group or a community to enjoy
rights, privileges, opportunities, as well as resources. Marginalization is
also called as social exclusion. Marginalized groups are viewed with hostility
and fear. Marginality has affected the lives of millions of people worldwide
depriving them of their individual and social rights. Those who are
marginalized suffer from a crisis of identity and it leads to the social and
psychological exclusion.
term ‘marginalized’ may be used synonymously with the term ‘Oppressed’ used by Paulo
Freire, ‘ Proletariat’ used by Karl Marx and ‘ Subaltern’ used by Gramsci. The
term is equal to so many other terms such as ‘disadvantaged’ subjugated, socially
excluded, and downtrodden as used in the literature.
Marginalized voices found literature as the best tool for expression of their inner
feelings. Literature of the Marginalized has emerged as major area in which
studies are pursued worldwide and intellectual discussions are organized. The literature
of the marginalized has come to the vanguard with its all dimensions.
two days National Seminar organized by us on the topic will give new insight
and serve a useful discussions and conclusions about the theme. It will also
highlight the need for such study and serve as a good platform for the
researchers and students working in this particular area
Sub-themes of the conference-
1. Theme
of Marginalization in Indian English Literature
2. Women
writers in the Margin
3. African
American Literature
4. Subaltern
5. Voices
of Minorities and marginalized in Indian and other literatures
6. Dalit
and African American literature: A Comparative Study
7. New
trends in Marginalized Literature
8. Teaching
Marginalized literature in the classroom
9. Subaltern
consciousness in African, Dalit and Minority literatures
10. Marginalization
in films
are only suggestive themes. You may choose any topic of your interest in
accordance to the theme of the Seminar.
Guidelines for Participants
1. Abstract
of the paper should be submitted prior to 15th Dec.2016 and full
paper prior to 10th January 2017
2. Please
send your papers in MS Word format with ‘Times New Roman’ 12 font.
3. Registration fees for
teachers will be Rs 500 and Rs. 200 for students/research students
4. The
accommodation facility will be provided to the outstation participants on their
prior request.
5. Please
send all necessary details such as name, address. Email id, Contact No. etc. along
with your abstracts and papers.
6. For
all the details visit College website-
7. For
any query Please contact the following persons-
Dr. Mahibub Tamboli-
Mo. 9421558728
Dr. Kishor Gaikwad-
Mr. Amol Agashe- 9604574505